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How to Use a Medicine Ball for Single-Leg Around the Worlds with Alyse Kelly

Woman in a gym smiling and holding a medicine ball while standing on one foot

Alyse Kelly is a Certified Personal Trainer with a degree in kinesiology and a specialization in athletic health care. Her helpful steps will teach you how to use a medicine ball for single-leg around-the-worlds. This exercise improves your lower-body balance and your upper-body coordination. Watch her demo and emulate this fun exercise from the video below. 

How to use a Medicine Ball for Single-Leg Around the Worlds

Resistance exercises are an excellent way to level up your workouts. Here are tips from Alyse on how to do medicine ball single-leg around the worlds. 

1. Balance on One Leg

First, you need to balance on one leg. Stand on either your left or right leg and keep your foot stable. Avoid leaning too much to one side or else you may lose your balance. Increased lower body strength is one of the benefits of balancing on one leg as you feel the resistance in the standing leg. While doing lower body exercises, you also engage your abs and obliques. 

2. Level Your Hips

Next, you need to level your hips. Watching your posture is critical because you want to prevent back strain. Level hips mean evenly distributing weight around your lower body, making the exercise easier. Another benefit of perfect positioning is that you maximize the exercise’s effectiveness. You get better rotation and body engagement with each rep. 

3. Ball Transfer

Now, you get to the meat of the exercise. Pass the medicine ball between your hands by moving it behind your back. Keep the movement in the same direction, whether clockwise or counterclockwise. Do this for a set time or a specific amount of reps. Start slow and ensure you maintain control throughout. Level hips make the ball transfer and range of motion easier.

4. Switch Directions

Learning how to use a medicine ball for around the worlds can be difficult. That said, your body will get accustomed to the exercise with practice. Once you ace the clockwise movement, switch it up and go counterclockwise. Changing directions challenges your body because your core must work in both directions. Do equal reps on both sides for a terrific workout. 

5. Change Legs

Another challenge for around the worlds is changing legs. The standing leg benefits the most during this exercise, so give the other leg reps. Giving both legs a chance is great because it improves lower body balance and strength. When you do this routine, you support leg power and well-rounded fitness. Experts say working legs releases hormones and improves mobility. 

Why Learning How to Use a Medicine Ball Is Beneficial

Around the worlds are great for learning how to use a medicine ball. What benefits do you get from this exercise tool? Here are a few advantages you reap. 

1. Decreasing Back Pain

Alleviating back pain is critical because of its prominence nationwide. Experts say at least 80% of Americans experience lower back pain during their lives, thus leading to immobility. Medicine ball exercises help by strengthening your muscles and relieving tightness in your lower body and core. While around the worlds target your leg and core, you reap the back-strengthening benefits, too. 

2. Improving Lower Body Balance

When you do around the worlds, your body must multitask by moving the ball while maintaining balance. Alyse says when you lose balance, it’s likely because you’ve lost focus. Around the worlds challenge you by forcing your brain to handle multiple exercises. The benefits of balancing on one leg include stabilizing muscles and improving exercise performance. 

3. Building Core Strength

While the upper and lower body are essential, don’t forget about your core. Your body’s center makes other exercises easier by reducing fatigue, increasing endurance and safeguarding from injuries. Medicine balls are significant in core regimens because they endorse functional movements. Try larger exercise balls to protect your back from hard floors and make ball sit-ups easier. 

4. Letting Kids Play

Medicine ball exercises are excellent for kids because they’re easy to work with. You can teach them how to do around the worlds or other fun exercises. Research has demonstrated the benefits of children using medicine balls and other resistance exercise methods. For instance, kids gain speed and power and reduce their injury risk with medicine balls and resistance bands.

5. Exercising Anywhere

One reason you may prefer medicine balls is their flexibility. Use these small exercise tools anywhere and get a fantastic workout. While fitness centers are excellent spots, you can take medicine balls to the park or place them around your home gym. Your desk at work could be a fitting spot if you want to exercise during downtime, whether alone or with co-workers. 

Elevate Your Fitness Routine With Chris Protein Personal Training in Austin

Medicine balls are a different way to exercise because they provide functional training. Once you ace these routines, you feel more equipped for other fun exercises. If you’re ready to elevate your fitness routine, click here for a free Transformation Session. This consultation lets you speak with a Chris Protein personal trainer and outline a plan to achieve your goals.

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